Programs include transportation, nutrition education, legal help, service navigation, senior center activities, recreation and social programs, meals, dental and denture work, health education and promotion, and much more!
The purpose of the White Lake Senior Center is to enhance the quality of life for seniors citizens by offering programs, services and social activities
If you are a senior looking for a place to meet and socialize, White Lake Senior Center is a great location that offers many different activities.
What We Offer
We offer a variety of programs and services to help senior citizens
Why Choose Us
Trusted & Experienced
We help maintain senior citizen independence and vitality and provide a place for seniors to have the opportunity to meet other seniors through social interaction.
Programs include activities, educational classes, counseling and support groups, volunteer opportunities, and wellness programs. We help with financial and medical paperwork, transportation to and from the center, shopping trips, outings, and other social services.